Rosy“ Framed Canvas Painting Print Artwork is museum-grade and designed to withstand the test of time. Durability, image clarity, and color accuracy are the top priority, as the vendor uses archival inks to prevent fading and to preserve as much fine detail as possible with no over-saturation or color shifting. Featuring a proprietary design, these canvases produce the tightest corners without any bubbles, ripples, or bumps, and will not warp or sag over time. Additionally, these canvases include a finished backing with pre-installed hanging hardware that adds an extra level of style. This beautiful wall art is sure to become the focal piece of your living room, family room, great room, bedroom, bathroom, office, kitchen, dining room, game room, bar, or more!
- Ready to hang
- Patented warp-resistant construction with a solid matboard backing
35'' H x 23'' W x 1.5'' D
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SKU: S-193-1
C$219.98 Regular Price
C$124.99Sale Price
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